Digital Accessibility Declaration

To Declaration on accessibility in German sign language (Sign language video will follow)
Public authority / scope of application
Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH strives to make its web presence or mobile application barrier-free. The declaration on digital accessibility is required by the Berlin Act on Accessible Information and Communication Technology (BIKTG Bln). The technical requirements for accessibility are derived from BITV
This declaration on digital accessibility applies to the website
Creation of this accessibility statement
This declaration was created or last revised on 07/03/2025.
The statements in this declaration were last reviewed on 19/12/2022.
An external expert opinion was commissioned to check the technical accessibility of the website.
How accessible is the website?
This website is only partially accessible. It partially fulfils the requirements stipulated in BITV 2.0.
Which areas are not accessible?
The areas listed below are not accessible for the following reasons:
Unreasonably high level of effort
There are sub-sections that are as yet not accessible. The reason for this is, among other things, an unreasonably high level of effort in accordance with Section 4 para. 3 of the BIKTG Bln owing to the complexity and size of the website. We are continuously working on implementing and, more specifically, improving accessibility. Barrier-free design is always taken into account during planning, development, tendering and procurement stages, especially for extensions and revisions.
1. Sub-section:
a. Description
Videos: Currently, the videos embedded on the website do not have audio transcriptions and subtitles.
b. The reason is listed above.
2. Sub-section:
a. Description
Link and alternative texts: Currently some links and control elements do not feature meaningful alternative texts. These are now being revised. Most of the alternative texts for embedded images are available, however, they are still being checked to ensure clarity of the description.
b. The reason is listed above.
3. Sub-section:
a. Description
Contrasts: Colours and contrasts of coloured text, buttons and control elements are sometimes insufficient.
b. The reason is listed above.
4. Sub-section:
a. Description
PDF documents: Some PDF documents are currently partially inaccessible.
b. The reason is listed above.
a. Description
Forms: Some of the integrated forms are currently partially inaccessible.
b. The reason is listed above.
No application
This content does not fall within the scope of the Barrier-free ICT Act Berlin.
Exceptions that do not have to be barrier-free (due to the BIKTG Bln, Section 4 paragraph 4)
1. PDF documents that were published before 23 September 2020
2. Content from third parties that is neither financed nor developed by Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH, nor subject to its control
3. Content from websites that are considered archives and were created before September 23, 2020
Feedback mechanism/Report barriers
Would you like to report information on the implementation of accessibility or existing barriers? Are you experiencing difficulties perceiving, using or understanding something on our website or mobile application? Do you need information in a barrier-free form? Then please let us know.
Contact the contact person of the public body:
You can send us your feedback on accessibility using the "Report a barrier" form or by emailing
Contact Berlin State Commission for Digital Accessibility (enforcement procedure)
If you are unable to contact the public body, have not received a response within one month or the response was inadequate, you can contact the State Commissioner for Digital Accessibility and initiate enforcement proceedings.
Please always remember to contact the public body concerned first!
Link to the contact form:
Your point of contact -
Find out more information about the State Commissioner for Digital Accessibility:
State Commissioner for Digital Accessibility -