Berlin Creative Tech Summit: Where global players and Berlin start-ups meet!
Summary of the blog post
On November 10, 2023, the first "Berlin Creative Tech Summit" took place – an inspiring meeting with over 250 participants from the media and creative industries, including global players, such as Microsoft, TikTok, and Fraunhofer, as well as up-and-coming Berlin start-ups.
On November 10, 2023, the first "Berlin Creative Tech Summit" took place – an inspiring meeting with over 250 participants from the media and creative industries, including global players, such as Microsoft, TikTok, and Fraunhofer, as well as up-and-coming Berlin start-ups.
Berlin's most important tech and creative players, among them Microsoft, the Fraunhofer Institute, TikTok and innovative start-ups such as nyonic, came together to present and discuss the latest trends in technology, media and the creative industries. The event was organized in collaboration by the ICT Cluster for the Media and Creative Industries Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin’s International Chamber of Commerce, visitBerlin and Berlin Partner for Business and Technology.
Burkhard Kieker, Managing Director of visitBerlin, emphasized: "The digital world and its young talents are looking towards Berlin. Events like the Berlin Creative Tech Summit are a welcoming signal to them."
Dr. Stefan Franzke, Managing Director of Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, strengthened: "Berlin holds significant innovative potential as the companies and institutions in the ICT cluster create more than just economic growth: they shape the development of the entire region and attract new players. This makes it even more attractive for skilled worker, businesses, and promising ventures to come here."
IHK, Foto: Feiyu Xu, Nyonic
Renowned speakers and concise pitches
Speaker Dr. Feiyu Xu and SAP’s former Head of AI, who recently became Chief Innovation Officer at the Berlin start-up nyonic, opened the day with her keynote speeach on "Unleashing the Potential of Generative AI". She paved the stage for more than 15 companies and research institutions that pitched to the audience their ideas and business models in brief elevator snapshots.
Creative impulses for Berlin: Insights into innovative ideas
Within just two minutes each, 19 start-ups provided a glimpse into the future of technology in Berlin. Their presentations showcasted the outstanding variety within Berlin’s creative tech industry and the rich facets of the Summit. These creative presentations reflect the diversity of innovative ideas emerging in Berlin and highlight the city's potential as a leading force in various technology sectors.
To begin with, one notable input for game-changing future technologies, for example, came from Brighter AI, a company that uses generative-AI-driven imagery to edit the biometrics and thus protect the identity of people captured by public transit cameras. This advanced technology not only addresses privacy concerns, but also highlights Berlin's potential as a pioneer in the development of innovative tech solutions.
Moreover, a fascinating pitch was delivered by Fraunhofer FOKUS, which presented solutions for an energy-efficient and sustainable video infrastructure. Their initiative is a shining point of evidence for Berlin's strong commitment to green technologies and positions the city as a global leader in the field of sustainable innovation.
Besides, the Technical University of Berlin presented the TEF-Health project, which is part of the EU's "Digital Europe" program. Due to its active role in EU-wide networks and significant financial support from public funding, Berlin is indeed in the rise and could soon play a key role in European health technology.
Lastly, SAP SE presented a business decision simulator that could help strengthen Berlin as a center for digital business strategies and establish the city as an innovation hub for companies. Further companies like, for example, Jina AI, are working on ground-breaking solutions for making websites accessible.
Alltogether, the cross-disciplinary discussions and the broad mixture of ideas established at the Summit could provide the answers to various global challenges businesses are currently facing: from the question of how to integrate artificial intelligence into their strategies and operations effectively, to creative approaches to take new target groups on board of the development process.
IHK, Foto: Loulia Isserlis & Dennis „Denyo“ Lisk, District VR
Product Presentation District VR Berlin Creative Tech Summit 2023
In that respect, TikTok’s participation in the "Berlin Creative Tech Summit" was a particular highlight. With an audience of 34% unique users, the social media company depicts a valuable platform to address a young and tech-affine target group. According to TikTok’s representative, many companies - among them the Federal Central Tax Office, Thyssenkrupp, Jungheinrich and Energy NRI – do already use TikTok as a channel to speak to and attract potential employees. Their use cases of TikTok as recruiting platform show how companies benefit from dealing with new trends in the digital world proactively.
IHK, Foto: Alexander Lengen, TikTok
Microsoft: AI and the future of work
Taking up that point and cutting across several topics and insights touched in the pitches before, Peter Hurnaus from Microsoft shed light on how artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way companies work.
Both the keynote speech by Dr. Feiyu XU, former Head of AI at SAP, and numerous pitch presentations highlighted the relevance of artificial intelligence for internal company, communication-oriented and evaluative processes. Claudia Thüme, for instance, explained how SAP SE employs an AI-based Business Decision Simulator to produce scenario forecasts, improve their decision-making quality, and increase efficiency. That provided, they highlighted how AI opens up new avenues for personalization and economic growth, as well.
Tech vision or a glimpse into the future? Insight into new developments
The summarizing outlook on trends, developments and future prospects of the creative tech industry was dominated by artificial intelligence (AI) as a disruptive technology. However, apart from the technological perspective, the “Creative Tech Summit“ program also provides the unique framework to explore demonstrations of AI‘s diverse potentials and unconventional areas of application. In particular, the creative combination of powerful technology with the power of human inspiration and visionary thinking showed how AI can become an enabler for up-and-coming artists and an accelerator of new forms of interaction.
From virtual DJs to smart systems - the key message becomes clear: Berlin is a source of inspiration
Overall, the participation of the big players of TikTok and Microsoft, on the one hand, paired with the diverse range of emerging platforms and new technologies that come together at the "Creative Tech Summit", on the other hand, underlines that Berlin is a place for exchange and a hub for ideas and talents that impact and shape the future of work. Events like these bring to light the innovative power of the city and Berlin to the forefront of attractive destinations fort he global MICE industry.
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