13th Battery Forum Germany
The Battery Forum Germany serves as a central platform to make research and development in the field of batteries in Germany visible, to network players in the battery industry and to provide information about the wide range of rechargeable battery types and the current state of the art.
Since 2013, the Battery Forum Germany has been organized by the Lithium-Ion Battery Competence Network (KLiB) with the support of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
With a focus on research, development and production of batteries in Germany, the Battery Forum aims to highlight the diverse activities along the entire value chain, promote cooperation and present the latest technical developments.
21 Jan
10:00 o'clock
22 Jan
09:00 o'clock
23 Jan
09:00 o'clock
The Ritz-Carlton Berlin, Potsdamer Platz 3, 10785